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Operating A Business From Home
Is A Home Business Right for Me?
When you are your own boss, working from home may seem like an appealing prospect, but before you decide to start a home-based business, there are a few things to consider. Launching a business in your home could be ideal, depending on the space you require and the nature of your work. You should make sure that this arrangement suits both your personal and professional needs.
You may be drawn to the advantages of working from your home. It can be less expensive than renting or buying commercial space, there may be possible tax deductions you can claim, (for example, a portion of property taxes, utilities, repairs and maintenance, home insurance and a portion of your mortgage interest or rent) and you may have more flexibility with your hours.
Ask yourself a few questions to determine whether having a home-based business is right for you:
Will working on your own suit your personality? Some people prefer to be in the company of colleagues.
Do you have the self-discipline to motivate yourself, even when business is quiet?
Might you have difficulty setting boundaries between your personal life and your business role? Will you face interruptions from family and friends?
Is there enough room for the resources you need, like special equipment or employees?
If your business is successful, will there be room to expand? How will you address this when the time comes?
When you decide you are ready to launch your home-based business, consider the following suggestions:
Review provincial and federal health, safety and taxation regulations related to your business.
Check municipal by-laws and determine whether your area is zoned for operating a business, particularly if you plan to deal with the public or have non-family-members working out of your home.
Designate a specific area of your residence as your workspace (as removed as possible from the ebb and flow of your household activities).
Try not to let chores or other distractions take you away from your work and interrupt your productivity.
Avoid letting the less formal setting interfere with your professionalism.
Be available to your clients by keeping a consistent schedule and getting back to them in a timely fashion.
Be aware that some home-based business opportunities may be fraudulent.
Setting up your home office
When you work from home, it's important to have a space that is comfortable and functional. Take the time to ensure your home office meets your needs.
Home Business Insurance
If you operate a small business from your home, discover ways insurance can help mitigate your risk of potential losses.
Am I allowed to have a home based business where I live?
Once you decide you are ready to launch your home-based business, consider the following suggestions:
Review provincial and federal health, safety and taxation regulations related to your business.
Check municipal by-laws and determine whether your area is zoned for operating a business, particularly if you plan to deal with the public or have non-family-members working out of your home. Oro-Medonte, for example, allows home based businesses.
Designate a specific area of your residence as your workspace (as removed as possible from the ebb and flow of your household activities).
Try not to let chores or other distractions take you away from your work and interrupt your productivity.
Avoid letting the less formal setting interfere with your professionalism.
Be available to your clients by keeping a consistent schedule and getting back to them in a timely fashion.
Be aware that some home-based business opportunities may be fraudulent.
Am I Allowed To Put Up A Sign?
Check municipal by-laws and determine whether your area is zoned for operating a business, and if you need to apply for a sign permit or if you are exempt. Here's an example of the Town of Oro-Medonte's sign bylaw.
Do I need to register my Home Business?
Federal Business Registration
Last verified: 2017-02-14
To register your business, you may need a business number. A number is necessary for:
Corporate income tax
Import/export account
GST-HST registration is mandatory except under certain conditions, if your business makes $30,000 or more per year.
There are other program accounts you may need for your business. Many of these applications can be made on-line or in paper format.
Paper Application Form
More Information
Contact Information
Canada Revenue Agency
Toll Free:1-800-959-5525
General Comments
You can register your business with Business Registration Online. If you cannot register online, you can register by phone or mail.
Operating A Home Based Business in Oro-Medonte.
Checking with the Town
Accounting Co On Line is located in beautiful Oro-Medonte, Ontario Canada. The rules for home based businesses are listed on the Town's site
Hundreds of people have chosen to make Oro-Medonte the place that they live, work, and play by starting a business from their home or an accessory building on their property. Whether you’re a current resident of the Township or you’re considering a move from the city for a more relaxed rural lifestyle, Oro-Medonte is an ideal place for your home-based business. From artisans to outdoor recreation tour operators, cozy bed and breakfasts to professional service providers such as accountants and graphic designers, there is no shortage of businesses operating from homes throughout the Township. If you’re considering starting a home-based business in Oro-Medonte, here are quick answers to some of the questions you might have.
What is considered a home occupation?
The Township’s Zoning By-law identifies a home occupation as the use of a home or accessory building for business purposes that is clearly secondary to the use of the property as a residence.
Do I need to live on the property that I operate my home-based business from?
Yes. The business must be conducted by at least one of the residents of a dwelling unit located on the lot. One employee who is not a resident on the property is also permitted.
How much space can my business can occupy?
If the business is inside your home, the maximum is 35% of the gross floor area. If the business is in a detached accessory building, the maximum is 50% of the gross floor area for properties with residential zoning. In the Agricultural/Rural zone, the business can occupy 100% of a detached accessory building.
Can I run my home-based business outdoors?
No. Your business must be conducted entirely within a building. Outdoor storage and/or display of materials or finished products is also not permitted.
Are there any types of businesses that are not permitted for a home occupation?
Yes. Industrial-type uses that might create nuisances such as noise, fumes, odour, or dust are not permitted. This includes motor vehicle maintenance and repair, carpentry, machine, or welding shops. Traditional ‘bricks-and-mortar’ storefronts are also not permitted. The sale of commodities not produced on the premises is only permitted if orders are fulfilled by a delivery service (i.e. telephone, mail, or online orders delivered by mail or courier).
Do I need to inform the Township that I am operating a home-based business?
No. As long as your business complies with the Township’s Zoning By-law there is no obligation for you to inform the municipality, but feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
Do I Need a Building Permit?
A building permit is required if your home or accessory building requires construction, alterations, or plumbing to accommodate your business.
For businesses operating within the home, be sure to include the following details when applying for a building permit:
The existing floor plan for floors that are affected by the proposed construction/alterations;
The proposed floor plan with labels indicating the proposed use of the rooms;
Identification of floors that will require structural changes;
A septic verification approval if plumbing, washrooms, or bedrooms are being added;
A septic permit if the septic system is being altered, upgraded, or newly installed; and
Interior finishes such as drywall and cabinetry.
If your business will operate in an accessory building, you will need to include all of the items identified above for a business within the home, as well as:
Ventilation details for proposed washrooms and office space; and
A heating system designed to maintain the temperature at 180C if there will be an employee other than the owner in the office space.
Have more Questions?
Contact a member of the Township’s Economic Development staff at the Township Administration Centre.
Some Considerations
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